Paramedical Tattoo

PARAMEDICAL TATTOO procedure is a method to minimize and cover up the appearance of scars or stretch marks.

This technique involves using pigments and serums that closely match your skin tone, which are strategically implanted into scarred or discolored areas.

We use “Nue Conceal Technology”

To address this challenge NUE CONCEAL developed the “Nue Reader”, a device capable of reading your skin tone to achieve the closest match to every skin tone.

ISR (Inkless Scar Revision)

Is a paramedical tattooing technique designed to improve the appearance of scars without using traditional tattoo ink.

Instead of pigment, the treatment relies on a blend of medical grade serums that stimulates collagen production and allows serums to penetrate deeply into the skin tone.

As the scar tissue regenerates over the following weeks, it gradually becomes smoother, lighter, and more uniform in color.